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I'm so sorry to say that we lost a member.

Started by iceman, January 27, 2007, 06:59:13 PM

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Chez Bubba

Owstrich & WCK pretty well summed it up for me.

Tom was one of the good guys.

We locked horns every now & then, but walked away friends in my mind. Men who will truly tell you what they're thinking & why, then listen to your viewpoint and rationally discuss, are rare these days. I'll miss our online/phone conversations.

My condolances to FamilyG.

Pat, thank you for informing us.

Kirk & Anne
Ya think if next time I check into a hotel & they ask "Smoking or Non", they would mind?


Chez , You said a lot in a very small space . I agree whole heartedly
Spirited , lively , informative and sharing and at times full of fire .I like that in folks.

Our condolances to TomG's family..at home...and in the forum.

                                                                          Doug and Sherie

Phone Guy

Quote from: hillbillysmoker on January 28, 2007, 04:39:26 PM
May the family feel the warmth of God's love and the comfort of God's grace as they struggle with the loss of someone dear.

I would like to echo this quote. I am truly saddened by the news.

Mike Brockman


I am very sad to hear this...my deepest condolences, prayers to the family.


Perryville, Arkansas

It's not how much you smoke but how many friends you make while doing it...


Tom will be missed but he'll always be part of this place.


My prayers and thoughts go out to his family. TomG was a very helpful and informative member. He went above and beyond to help me with a project or two. He will be missed.



ThanX for the notice, Ice. It's really weird how you can miss a guy so much when all you've known is a "web presence". But you will be missed, TG...your web presence was true spice! You were fun to exchange political sheet metal with because you were up front and provided balance. Swapping fish stories/recipes with you however, was the highlight to the forum for me....you will definitely be missed here.....


Thanks Iceman for letting us know about Tom.

This is very sad. I would also like to offer my condolences to his family. They will be in my thoughts and prayers.
I am glad that he spent the time here that he did. His knowledge was inspiring and I know he was a lot of help to n00bs. On discussions off topic, his ideas were forged in steel and would make one check their own metal.
TomG was always one of the first to offer encouragement or give praise.
Friend, you will be missed.



Just another weekend with the smoker...


Margo e-mail me this message last night. Just thought I'd pass it on to all you wonderful folks.


Thanks for posting the sad news about TomG on the BS Forum.  I have read the responses which fill me with emotion as the BS members express themselves over the loss of him.  As many Forum users noted, he so enjoyed sparring with worthy challengers just to get them to consider an opposing viewpoint -- whatever the topic may be.  The Forum was a favorite pulpit for him because he could be in the comfort of his own home, in sweats & slippers at any hour of the day, advising or debating with enthusiatic knowledgeable peers.  He didn't hold back on the BS Forum -- he was always up for a challenge that any of you could pose.  I grin when I see the subject of his passing as a 'Hot Topic' with over 500 hits -- imagine what his response would be!! 

Just remember folks, tell those people who are close to you how much they mean to you ... cause you never know when they might just be gone!


Like I've said before to many people, you forum members are like family!
We apriciate it. God Bless all of you. Pat and Ann


Real nice.  My heart really goes out to her.
Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.

CLICK HERE for Recipe Site:  http://www.susanminor.org/


Thanks Patrick for forwarding on the sad news regarding Tom and for sharing Margo's thoughts with us.  My condolences go out to Margo and family.

For me, Tom's personality and sense of humor was a very unique presence on this forum. I will miss him.

"Men like to barbecue, men will cook if danger is involved"


I'm a relative newbe here but I felt from the beginning that what we have here is a family and a real good bunch of people and I'm very sure TomG was one of the best. He will be missed by all.      Our Prayers are with Tom and his Family           John AKA (Cajun)
There is a place for all of Gods animals right next to the mashed potatos and gravy


Hi Folks.
Just thought I'd pass this picture of Tom G on to everyone. Margo was kind enough to send it to me so it could get posted. This I think is how he would have wanted to be remembered.
I can't thank all of you enough for the kindness that has poured out on this forum. I'm sure Margo would agree. You guys are truely the best!!!
Pat, Ann, and Margo.


thanks ice...

looks like tomg was getting ready to bait the hook with that sardine...

you goota eat...

i am johnny owrstrich... i disapprove of this post...