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Red warning light on OBS

Started by Boybach, April 03, 2007, 11:42:55 AM

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Mr Walleye

I went through back surgery (L4/L5) back in 1985. I injured it 3 years prior to that in a very serious car accident. Unfortunately in the 80's they didn't have MRI's, they just did milograms (spl?)(not fun). They also tried the papaya injection into the disk to dissolve it but during the procedure they had to abort it because they discovered my disk was torn open and hanging/rubbing in the spinal cord. I also played a lot of sports (I was 23 when I injured my back) mainly hockey, golf, martial arts, etc. The one thing I found was golf really bothered me during the 3 year period prior to surgery. After a couple of holes my legs would be numb. One of the things I found helped me was hanging upside down in a inverter. I got so used to it and I could hang there for over 30 minutes. I think it allowed my body weight to gently stretch the spine and relieve the pressure on the injured area. I was 25 when I finally had the surgery. It certainly wasn't much fun but I wouldn't look back either. I made a 100 percent recovery. I believe your measure of recovery from back surgery is directly related to your input into your recovery. Lots and lots of walking as soon as possible. My surgeon wanted me walking 5 miles a day as soon as possible. The other thing is working on flexibility.

I sure hope things improve for you both you guys (Wildcat & Gizmo's son). Back problems are very frustrating to deal with because it just doesn't seem to matter what you do it still hurts.


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Wildcat and gang, take care of the back ! I've suffered cronic back pain for nearly 30 years ,spinal problem
ankolosing-spondalitis (spelling...iffy) from age 16...too many folks back then associated a bad
back with being lazy. It was just easier to jump on in than say I can't do that...I have a bad back.
This ailment usually doesn't happen till in the 60's , took alot of doctors to figure it out ,found it , but
due to my age always looked for something else......Now 3 1/2 inches shorter , joints falling apart .
Take it from me...Take care of your back.

p.s. I loved the drinkin' and smokin' post....and I'm sure everyone else did too. Like I said...I love this place ! :)


Well guys, it seems like back trouble is very common, i hurt my back about 13 years ago due to lifting etc, and just under 2 years ago when i had a fall and ruptured my achilles tendon i think i did more damage to my back?

When it's at it's worst i can hardly walk, everybody keeps telling me to get it looked at, but i'm also not keen on the idea of surgery :'(
After hearing what's been said here though, i think it's time i did something about it, maybe a  chiropractor, or osteopath? it's worth a shot i think.

Anyway, Wildcat, Giz's son, and coyote, i really hope you all get some much needed relief from the back pain, it's no fun that's for sure. ;)

And to absolutely everybody in the house......... Happy Easter!...........LilSmoker
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QuoteI think I may just be a little to sensitive and irritable here lately. 

That happens to us all at some stage for whatever reason..... ill health, family problems etc. That's where family and friends (inc friends here on the forum) come in.  ;)

I have had a few issues this week and have been as cranky as anything at times and it always seem to be those nearest and dearest that are in the firing line the most!  :-[

So no apology or explanation needed IMO Wildcat, just hope you get your back problem sorted ASAP and that goes for others with similar problems.



Lets face it were all old and broken. ;D  funny how that happens huh. :P

Just another weekend with the smoker...


Hi Manx
you're not supposed to be cranky when you're on a break but I know how it is, when I used to take a break from the office it was those who are closest and dearest who got what I used to term - the wind down kick, and the kids used to term Dad's starting to relax again. What's with us guys it appears if we are under stress or duress we keep it bottled and as soon as we are let off the rack Kapow look out family. I'm new to this forum but already you are becoming like family and when you are family punches are not pulled, it's natural and normal to tell without embarrassment how it is. If you want to let off steam at any time guys feel free to have a moan at me - I'll take it - and if it makes you feel better then mission accomplished. I think it speaks highly of the membership of this Forum that you can all be so open. Ironic isn't it that I started this thread I headed it Red Warning Light perhaps it should now be renamed  'relief from red mist.'
You all take care and enjoy yourselves this week-end ;)

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Bottom line boys and girls, you're all a great group of people. Nuff said. ;) ;D


May the fragrance of thin blue smoke always grace your backyard.

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You guys REALLY are like family.  Actually BETTER than a couple of mine.

Mr. Walleye, strange that you should mention the numbness.  My left leg has been numb on the left side from the knee up for a few years now.  It started out as a spot and gradually grew to a very large area.  It was only recently that the actual pain started.  On some days I can hardly stand up straight and walk.  On others, it is almost without pain (at least since starting the steriods).  An MRI showed it was the L3.  I see the Doc on Tuesday.

LilSmoker, be careful on selecting a joint cracker (chiropractor).  There are a couple in this area that actually injured a spine and left the patient partially paralyzed.
Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.

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QuoteLilSmoker, be careful on selecting a joint cracker (chiropractor).  There are a couple in this area that actually injured a spine and left the patient partially paralyzed.

Hey thanks Wildcat, i'd better make sure i get one with a good reputation, i suppose for good measure i could grab his n*ts and whisper....."we're not going to hurt each other are we?"  :o ;D

On a serious note, i will do some research, and hopefully will get the right guy ;)

Thanks again Wildcat............LilSmoker
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Hey thanks Wildcat, i'd better make sure i get one with a good reputation, i suppose for good measure i could grab his n*ts and whisper....."we're not going to hurt each other are we?"  :o ;D

On a serious note, i will do some research, and hopefully will get the right guy ;)

Thanks again Wildcat............LilSmoker

Ha, Ha, Ha - I think that might just work at that. ;D ;D ;D
Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.

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I've been doing treatments on that new fangled traction machine they have at the top end bone crackers. It pulls your upper and lower body just enough to relieve the pressure on my herniated disc and the pain goes away. I use the spinalator back machine at the house in the mean times. Anything to stay away from the knife IMO. This getting old thing ain't so easy sometimes. :D :o ;D


Quote from: icerat4 on April 07, 2007, 06:39:47 AM
Lets face it were all old and broken. ;D  funny how that happens huh. :P
Quote from: iceman on April 07, 2007, 11:23:30 AM
I've been doing treatments on that new fangled traction machine they have at the top end bone crackers. It pulls your upper and lower body just enough to relieve the pressure on my herniated disc and the pain goes away. I use the spinalator back machine at the house in the mean times. Anything to stay away from the knife IMO. This getting old thing ain't so easy sometimes. :D :o ;D

Hey watch that old stuff.  I am at the tender age of 55.  You guys might be old but I am just falling apart lol. ::) ;D ;D
Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.

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Tiny Tim

Quote from: LilSmoker on April 07, 2007, 11:17:40 AM

Hey thanks Wildcat, i'd better make sure i get one with a good reputation, i suppose for good measure i could grab his n*ts and whisper....."we're not going to hurt each other are we?"  :o ;D

On a serious note, i will do some research, and hopefully will get the right guy ;)

Brings to mind something I had happen.  Back in '99, my hip was giving me trouble, so I went to a chiropractor.  He had me on one side with my top leg bent, and before I know what's happening, jumps on me, squashing my marbles in the process.  Well, we go to the other side (the first side had my pocket with my thin checkbood in it facing up) which has my billfold (no money, just full of other stuff) facing up and repeats the process.  This time he got the surprise when my billfold got him in the ribs.

After that, he had me take the billfold out, but always managed to trap my marbles...


Haha! that would have made a great short movie!  ;D ;)
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