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OBS with added PID Digital Temperature Controller...

Started by bmo, October 28, 2007, 10:05:36 PM

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Following the lead of some of the others in the forums, I added a digital temperature controller to my regular OBS. I took a bunch of pictures, including where to mount the sensor in the OBS smoke box. http://www.n9adg.com/articles/bbq/bradley-smoker-temperature-controller.html

It's working out great -- have done a few slabs of bacon, also just had a big pumpkin carving party for which I made a nearly 20+ ham, bunch of mesquite smoked chicken for the non-ham-eaters... and am looking forward to Thanksgiving to smoke up a Turkey.

One thing that I think is possible now with cooler weather and a slight addition to what I did with the controller is keep the temperature for cold smoking fish below 80 degrees -- the controller that I used has an 'alarm' output for over-temperature, which I can use to cut-off the biscuit cooker/advance. Think that ought to do it!



i see one major flaw that needs to be corrected immediately...


i am johnny owrstrich... i disapprove of this post...


Besides not having meat in it and running it RIGHT NOW, what's that?



Thanks for the detailed explaination/instructions and picts. May have to consider a mod to my OBS and eliminate the outside project box.


Great pix and instructions.  I put my PID in a hobby box as my metal working skills are laughable.  I really like your site overall.  Most interesting.


Somedays you're the pigeon, Somedays you're the statue.


It looks great... but remember if there is a weak link in the Bradley it is the generator. I know. I had to replace 2 generators out of the 3 Bradleys I purchased.

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Nice. I'm still happy with the temperature switch I installed. If that ever goes, I might go that route...



First of all..... thanks for the great info on setting up the PID, the diagram is excellant, my PID and SSR should be here next week.

I have one question.......what is owrstrich talking about when he says a major flaw? I am not an electical engineer but it looks ok to me?

Or Is he just "blowing smoke" so to speak....lol  Any help is greatly appreciated!

Thanks again for the great description.


Mr Walleye

Hi lunenburgman & welcome to the forum!

I'm pretty sure "O" was just fun'in! Once you've been around the forum a bit more you will pick up on that!  ;)

BMO did do a great job for sure! There is also a ton of info here on the forum and on the recipe site. If you haven't already found the recipe site just click on the smoker in the bottom of my post. There is a good write up with photos on the PID project as well.

Good Luck

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I just purchased the AuberIns Temperature controller for Sous Vide for the Bradley. Since I knew I wouldn't have time to build my own PID system I thought this would work well. I can't try it yet as I goofed up my door seal and have to wait for a new seal to come from Bradley. As soon as it gets installed I'll be trying the Temp Controller.

The biggest difference I see is the controller from Auber is only good to 250F and uses a thermistor sensor rather than a K-type thermocouple. I talked with Suyi about it and he thought it would work so long as the sensor cable was long enough(only 3'). I'm sure looking forward to doing another Boston Butt! The last few I did worked great! :)

Mr Walleye


I didn't know Auber even offered this unit. Neat looking unit. Keep us filled in on how it works.

Here is the link to it if anybody is interested.



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gljjr:  I'm VERY interested in how that thing works out.  With a 2 year old running around PID construction time is limited.  This would be perfect and its only like $30 more then the raw parts for a PID.

Did you communicate with Auber directly to see if the thing can handle the power draw the OBS pulls?

Mr Walleye


According to the link it will handle 1600 watts which should be more that enough. It would be nice if the thermistor was 4 feet instead of 3 and also if the unit went above 250 degrees but in reality neither of these are issues that would stop you from using it.


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Yeah that three foot bit kinda sucks but i can always craft a small shelf and keep it up higher to get the probe to reach into the vent and down into the box. 

Would the 250 degree be a problem?  I thought most smoking was done between 180-225 anyhow?  Sorry if thats stupid i'm new at this :)