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What is everyone's plan for Thanksgiving...more

Started by SmokinMoe, November 24, 2004, 02:35:51 AM

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I am going to do a Ham in the Bradley (time constraints won't allow me to do DoW's t-shirt method darn) and fry up a turkey. Having over some relatives, husband's office manager and her son and going to have a great time.
Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving and a great time with friends and relatives. I will be offline to clean the house, you men, help your wives out with this, believe me, she will love you to death and be appreciative of the help!!
I wish I had some boston butt left to make some ABT's, but it didn't last more than 15 hours in this house!! How's that for my first try? LOL
"If I have to cook, I might as well watch it all go up in smoke!"


As I have stated in a couple of posts. I am going to take a flyer and cold smoke a 12 lb Butterball Turkey for 4 hours then immediately Fry!
Before that I will have smoked 3 ducks and finish them off Thanksgiving morning. The wife will do her traditional 25 lb Turkey with dressing in the oven. Then either a spiral ham or a beef tenderloin on the spit. We will have a house full. I hope that there are left overs for me to vacum suck and save for another day. I did not get this wish last year and I don't think I will this year. Hope everyone eats, drinks and stays home not driving.



We will have about 8-10 over.  Wife does 25lb Turkey, Coca Cola Ham, Cheesecakes, one chocolate with a Gran Mariner Rasberry Topping and New York Style with crushed pineapple.  Pumpkin Pie.  The usual trimmings....I didn't feel like frying turkey this year...

Had wife pick-up 48 JalapeƱos, and going to thaw 6lb of Butt, shred, and make a load of ABT's.  Will be brining 12 lb Turkey late tonight and start smoking tomorrow night.  This will the one that she is not sending leftovers home with the kids. My favorite part of Turkey Day is the leftovers for sandwiches later.

Busy tomorrow, helping the little woman pick-up the place.  Not complicated, but just helps out.  Yes, Michelle(SmokinMoe), probably most of us help clean up the homestead...some just stay out of the way, which is also a big help!

Beer is stocked up downstairs....One of my boys is one of the SWAT officers on the CHP here in California.  He had to work 12 hrs on Turkey Day, but still might come over to eat after midnight, unless they some kind of wierd situation he has to respond to - If on call, no beer!  Sorry won't be able to visit, I have to work Friday.  Luckily I am off Wed and Thurs this year so can help the wife do some prep work for turkey day too.  

My wife will probably be up fussing over the kids until after 2 a.m.     I get up for work at 4, so off to the land on nod for me on Turkey Day evening.  Usually watch some football, the hit sack at 8 p.m, smiling after a nice dinner!  

My best to all of you!  Happy Thanksgiving!

There is room on earth for all God's creatures....right on my plate next to the mashed potatoes.

Habanero Smoker

I am going to be traveling a great distance of a quarter mile [;)] to my brother's house, with a 12 lb smoked turkey. My sister-in-law is cooking the dinner which will include a 12 lb roasted turkey and ham. They tell me they are doing a 12 lb turkey to ensure there is enough, but I feel they have no faith in the Bradley [:D].

I going to smoke the turkey today until it is almost fully cooked, and finish it in the oven tommorow. I'm going to smoke it vertically. I injected it with a brine solution, and now I'm trying to decide if I am going to use apple or a maple/hickory smoke.



The morning will start off with a round of duck hunting with my best friends.  While we will be in the blind the Hen Mallard will be pulling the two briskets from the BS.  I will be trying apple wood this time-4 hours of it.  My wife make this wonderful, not your typical, sweet potatoe dish, all I know it has plenty of real butter and just sweet enough that you can eat a ton with out feeling like you are eating 100% carbs, even though you are.  Rumors may have it that will might go over to the in-laws(@%$~`%!*^).

Must say Bill, those ABT's sure sound good.  Those will beat a oven roasted turkey any day!

Everyone have a great holiday and please be safe and don't try and test your airbags.


Perryville, Arkansas

If a man says he knows anything at all, he knows nothing what he aught to know.  But...


Perryville, Arkansas

It's not how much you smoke but how many friends you make while doing it...


A combination of ribs,leg of lamb and baked beans all in the Bradley


Thanksgiving turkey....I brined it with a recipe that I found somewhere.  It has apple juice,kosher salt,brown sugar, oranges,garlic, cloves, bay leafs, water and ginger.....in the brine overnight...then I cold smoked it with maple for 4 hours....tomorrow morning early, I'll baste it(with beer can inside) and slow cook it using the brine under the bird in a drip pan until done. Then wrap it in aluminum foil and a towell for a couple hours before serving....Oh boy!!!!!!!!!PS..no peeking needed if you have a remote thermometer except checking the skin near the end of cooking time. Happy bird day to all !!!

Hey Doc...I'm down to 2 racks a day!!!


<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by car54</i>
<br />A combination of ribs,leg of lamb and baked beans all in the Bradley
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">
I think at Christmas a leg of lamb and a rib roast will be in order[:D]

For T-day cranberry injected turkey all the trimmings
for desert Olds' raw apple cake and tiramisu.  My wife makes the best.  And to go with desert fresh roasted Guatemala huehuetenango-huixoc coffee.  It has an unbelieveable choclate flavor.  Thanks again Bill.  Happy Thanksgiving[:)].

Some say BBQ is in your blood, if thats true my blood must be BBQ sauce.
Some people say BBQ is in the blood, if thats true my blood must be BBQ sauce.


You are welcome Jeff!  Roasting coffeee is just as addicting as smoking good food!

Happy Thanksgiving

There is room on earth for all God's creatures....right on my plate next to the mashed potatoes.


<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by BigSmoker</i>
 fresh roasted Guatemala huehuetenango-huixoc coffee.  [:)].
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

Man, that Guatemalan coffee is way to "earthy" for me.  Although I have found out that when it is freshly roasted it does taste better.  The wife and frequent a little place that does their own roasting.  I'm still a Columbian guy, when it is freshly roasted, can't be beat, then second to that would be Tanzanian.


Perryville, Arkansas

If a man says he knows anything at all, he knows nothing what he aught to know.  But...


Perryville, Arkansas

It's not how much you smoke but how many friends you make while doing it...


The coffee Jeff is referring to when roasting a little light is quite mild.  I roast pretty dark - to the point the beans have beads of oil on the outside, as the sugar carmelizes in the bean.  Dark is my preference, as I really drink more espresso then coffee.  Roasted dark, this coffee is a little tangy and chocolate-like....just a hint , but quite noticeable on the palate.

When you are roasting coffee, the road to the coffee you like best exposes you different flavors all reacting differently to the temperature and time of the roast. Amazing differences between Africa, the Islands, South America and Asian coffees.  You could spend your life time sampling them, and spend a fortune doing so!

The effort and time spent is not wasted, because you experience the best of the world, and you are roasting it, so it is always fresh!

There is room on earth for all God's creatures....right on my plate next to the mashed potatoes.


micki and i found a small possium in our hotel parking lot...  not sure of the weight but we got it brining in the fridge...

to curtail cross contamination we got two 5lb turkey breasts thawing in the fridge in a seperate container...

going to smoke the breasts on the next to top rack with the possium on the top rack thinking the drippings will keept the turkey moist...

micki is going to make mashed butternut squersh with lots of butter... sauted mushrooms with lots of butter... pan fried green beans with lots of butter...

fresh stawl berries with splenda and cream over shortcake made of ground pork rinds...

a low carbers thanksgiving...

i am johnny owrstrich... i disapprove of this post...


What does Possum taste like(Don't say chicken)?  They are so "rat" looking!

After I smoke something we have a possum that used to visit the back porch.  Dog would go nuts trying to get at it!  It stopped coming when it realized I wasn't leaving anything around for it.

There is room on earth for all God's creatures....right on my plate next to the mashed potatoes.


i am johnny owrstrich... i disapprove of this post...


Possum aint no rat...it is a marsupial(sp)...So it tastes like Kangaroo...You get your self a Kanga and a Roo....Make sure you stir the roo till it comes to a boil...you never know the true thickness of a rue til it boils....

then you drink 8 beers...grill the sucker til it is crispy and it all tastes good.  Heck after 8 beers that sucker will taste like prime rib!![:D]