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Started by Fuzzybear, January 26, 2004, 12:03:52 AM

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No duck hunting out here - you gotta remember that California is so left wing that if you step on an ant and kill it, chances are good someone (nameless) in a (namless) organization will give you a beating for it....seriously, in So. Cal, quail is the game...ducks are up north where it's wetter and colder - down here, ducks is more like pond creatures - we're to citified in the Los Angeles area.

I would bet one would be tasty in the smoker though or a pheasant!

But thanks for checking - ABBQ did say 10-15 days....today is day number 14...sniff....wahhhhhhhh![V]

"A mans got to know his limitations"
Glendora, CA - USA!


Finally getting somewhere...ABBQ has finally provided me with a tracking number from FedEx...now they say another 3-5 working days for final delivery.

But................since they are sending it out tonight (was I lied to previously?) the number won't be available until late tonight or tomorrow for tracking....

I would not give this company a good reference unless somebody really  wanted to spend $400 and sit around and wait for a product to show up....and then I would still strongly discourage them from using ABBQ.

 ABBQ is fortunate that they are not a member of bizrate.com as my experience would be posted in a most negative way (can ya tell how happy I am??)

I know it's only one experience but I'm here to tell you that nobody gives me more than one chance let alone take 20 days to do it...

Forum master:  Should we have a "rate this vendor" forum?  If so, I'll be first in line.

My deepest apologies Chez Bubba...If only I had known what I know now, I'd be a happy smoker cookin' my hens, fish and beef...

I promise - no more posts until I have received it, then one final to let you all know I got it.

After that, posts will be in the cooking section.

Thanks and have a great day!

"A mans got to know his limitations"
Glendora, CA - USA!


<font face="Tahoma"><font color="blue"><font size="4">Rave on FUZZY man..</font id="size4"></font id="blue">.</font id="Tahoma">

The best it yet to come.



If a man says he knows anything at all, he knows nothing what he aught to know.  But...


Perryville, Arkansas

It's not how much you smoke but how many friends you make while doing it...

Chez Bubba


No apologies needed, at this point I'm kinda feeling sorry for ya. Knowing what we know now, a week ago I would have suggested you just refuse shipment when their's arrived and we could've had it to you before that.

Hang in there.[:)]


Ya think if next time I check into a hotel & they ask "Smoking or Non", they would mind?


Well, I lied - here's another post...

Finally got my tracking order...BS is scheduled for delivery on Friday the 13th and I'm hoping that's not an omen![;)]

Stay tuned![:D]

"A mans got to know his limitations"
Glendora, CA - USA!


I just signed on today.I ordered my BS from ABBBQ.last Friday.I hope my luck with them is better than yours.After following your tale of woe.I to am sorry I did not order from Chez Bubba.



Chef!  Welcome aboard!

I'm hoping nobody has to go thru that!

It's a good post and hopefully, people will read and compare to the services of Chez Bubba...I've already found Kirk to be a wealth of information and service that has outshone the sun!

Good luck and wishing you the best...

"A mans got to know his limitations"
Glendora, CA - USA!

Chez Bubba

I've got $10 that says it arrives with a broken bulb or someone ran over it. Any takers?[:D]

Man Fuzz, you just keep getting dealt low cards. Friday the 13th?[:0] If you've got a vacation to Vegas scheduled, might I suggest somewhere else?[:D]

Crossin' my fingers for ya, tryin' to share the pain[:(],


On edit: Oooh, this is double-scary....this was my 1<b>13th</b> post!

Ya think if next time I check into a hotel & they ask "Smoking or Non", they would mind?



I'll just give you the 10 bucks man!

I ordered some paper from Office Max for my wife and it showed up today all beaten and battered and crumpled (fortunately, the inside paper was ok) from guess who?????   FEDEX!!!  Man, this thing looked like the Dallas Cowboys used it for punting practice.

I'm really hoping my 40lb box of BS does not show up in the same condition - I will tromp it right down to FedEx and refuse it...

Damn man, you might have put a hex on me with your 113th post and delivery of the 13... thanks for sharing that!![8][8][8][8][8][8][8][8][8][8][8][8][8] - that's me behind those 13 8 balls![:D]

"A mans got to know his limitations"
Glendora, CA - USA!


NOBODY is this unlucky[xx(] Come on up and go fishing with me and I'll prove it to you[:D] (Of course, I'll have my survival suit all laid out.....actually, for this trip, I'll wear it for the whole trip[;)])

Kummok @ Homer, AK USA


Great.....you get the survival suit and I'm part of a glacier!! I don't think that would work Kummok...thanks for the invite - I'll get up there one day - probably in my retirement days....Eastern Washington is where I'll be in a couple more years...just north of Spokane - Ice fishing, here I come!  My hunt will be for Walleyes at that point...

Got your boat dug/melted out yet?

When you get back down here to visit your old buddies, don't forget the fish!

We'll load up my smoker locally - just make sure the salmon is fresh!

"A mans got to know his limitations"
Glendora, CA - USA!

Chez Bubba

Dear Kummok,

Thank you for your offer. I will arrive ready to fish on Friday, June 13th, 2013. What say we leave around 13:00.

My 13 reels will be spooled with 13# test Stren and mounted to my 13' graphite Loomis rods. I hope your boat has plenty of legroom, as my size 13 boots need space to stretch.




Ya think if next time I check into a hotel & they ask "Smoking or Non", they would mind?



Oh, Kirk...that will be P-line cxxx - the loomis is good and you can't have enough rods n' reels!

"A mans got to know his limitations"
Glendora, CA - USA!


<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by Fuzzybear</i>
<br />Hey guys!
I've been lurking here all day...read all kinds of nice stuff - here's my story:

Been hot smoking for 10+ years using an electric Maco and a Brinkman..been wanting to purchase The B.S. for about 3 years since first eyeballing it in the Cabela's catalog but was to cheap to spend $399 plus shipping.

So, the years past and my MECO? (labels worn off) finally pooped out/corroded/electrical short so I took the plunge...ws even considering the Egg and the Cookshack

Read a lot of posts (thanks! some things to look forward to), googled Bradley Smoker, visited my local BBQ shop, came back and compared 5 (3 won out) different suppliers....
Chez Bubba- great price on the $360 deal but no cover + shipping - Sorry Chez but I'm cheap...how I wanted it was $410 - a great price
The Barbecue Store - by the time I added the cover and the bisquettes it came to $413 with shipping...also a good price compared to retail, however, the winning contender was:  www.americasbestbarbecue.com...
$375 for the smoker with cover + $23 for a 48 pack apple bisquettes and no sales tax and no shipping...total price $398.40.[:D

I feel a little bad as Chez has great recs from this forum but as I said, I'm cheap![^]

"A mans got to know his limitations"
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

Believe in Jesus!


Sorry about that blank page, this is my first time here. Hey, talk about cheap, I don't know about where you live, but up here in Washington, we have a store called G.I. Joe's and they sell the BS original( black one ) for 299.00. Just picked one up and will season it this weekend.<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by Fuzzybear</i>
<br />Hey guys!
I've been lurking here all day...read all kinds of nice stuff - here's my story:

Been hot smoking for 10+ years using an electric Maco and a Brinkman..been wanting to purchase The B.S. for about 3 years since first eyeballing it in the Cabela's catalog but was to cheap to spend $399 plus shipping.

So, the years past and my MECO? (labels worn off) finally pooped out/corroded/electrical short so I took the plunge...ws even considering the Egg and the Cookshack

Read a lot of posts (thanks! some things to look forward to), googled Bradley Smoker, visited my local BBQ shop, came back and compared 5 (3 won out) different suppliers....
Chez Bubba- great price on the $360 deal but no cover + shipping - Sorry Chez but I'm cheap...how I wanted it was $410 - a great price
The Barbecue Store - by the time I added the cover and the bisquettes it came to $413 with shipping...also a good price compared to retail, however, the winning contender was:  www.americasbestbarbecue.com...
$375 for the smoker with cover + $23 for a 48 pack apple bisquettes and no sales tax and no shipping...total price $398.40.[:D

I feel a little bad as Chez has great recs from this forum but as I said, I'm cheap![^]

"A mans got to know his limitations"
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

Believe in Jesus!