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Accessories / Re: Bradley Digital Thermomete...
Last post by natalie321 - Today at 12:30:28 AM
I recommend inspecting and cleaning the probe, resetting the thermometer, and testing the probe in ice water.
Hi meniscuspenitent,

Welcome to the forum. Sorry to hear about your problem.

I don't have the digital, but I'm guessing you are speaking of the 10-amp glass fuse and holder. If the cap is broke, it may be hard to find a seller to just sell you a cap, and some caps are different. Some have threads and others have slots that only require a quarter turn, once the cap is inserted.

It would be best if you replace the entire fuse holder. If the cap shattered while removing it, the rest of the plastic body of the fuse holder may be just as deteriorated. If the plastic has deteriorated, Bradley may want to know about that issue.

You will need a 10-amp glass fuse holder. It would be best to get it from Bradley, to make sure you have the proper connectors, but you should be able to find them on line or at an auto parts store. Just make sure the length, amperage, and connectors match.

Replacing the fuse holder should be a simple task, though you may be working in cramped corners. Since you got the cover off, there should only be a plastic nut holding the fuse holder in place. Note how the wires are attached, then detach the wires, unscrew that plastic nut, and remove the holder. That area may be difficult to get to, but you should be able to get to it with pliers, or needle nose pliers.
I am trying to check the fuse on the smoke generator and I am having an issue.  First the external know on the back that I needed to turn to get to thr fuse broke in many pieces when I tried to turn it.  Secondly after I removed the cover I to access the fuse container I cannot remove the cap.  I dont want to break even more..  How does it come off?
In addition of what you do, I clean the drip tray, and diffuser after every smoke - along with the water bowl and grease bowl. I also visually check the shelving, to see if they need cleaning.

This is just a guideline; the frequency will depend on how often you use your P10. I take apart the bisquette dispenser at least once a year, and give that a good cleaning. If I'm using the premium bisquettes, they seem to produce a resin, so I may clean the dispenser two or three times a year, if I use that type of bisquette frequently. I clean the exterior once a year or when needed.

That build up on the walls is called seasoning and there is no need to clean that off; and it is better to leave it on. If the seasoning begins to flake, then you should use a wadded-up ball of foil, and gently scrub the sides to remove any loose flaking. A plastic putty scraper works well also. If there is any grease or food particles attached to the walls, that needs to be removed after you finish each cook.   

I almost forgot. I often clean the temperature sensor probe with isopropyl alcohol and a piece of a green Scot Brite pad.

One other thing. I wipe down the display panel and rotary dial, with a paper towel dampend with Simply Green, after every cook, ot shortly after.
The New Bradley Professional Smoker (BS1019) / Cleaning P10
Last post by smokin_jer - May 23, 2024, 12:29:36 PM
I've had the P10 for 3 years now. I clean the racks each time. I clean the smoking "distributor" and the tray about 2 times a year.
I haven't really cleaned the walls as they have developed a smoke "enamel".
I could scrape it off but it seems pretty well set. Wiping with a paper towel really does nothing and hardly gets dirty

How often, what and how. Should the P10 be cleaned ?
Introduce Yourself / Re: New Bradley owner
Last post by Lucy Coffee - May 16, 2024, 12:00:17 AM
Hello and welcome to the forum! It is common practice for smokers to use aluminum foil pans instead of water pans in Bradley smokers. You can certainly use a larger foil tray to hold more water, which will help maintain humidity and regulate temperature throughout the smoking process, especially for overnight cooking like pork butts. Four hour water changes are recommended
Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello from the Home Office...
Last post by manxman - May 10, 2024, 11:55:56 PM
Welcome to the forum BCJake.
Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello from the Home Office...
Last post by Habanero Smoker - May 05, 2024, 02:34:50 PM
Hi BCJake,

Welcome to the forum.

Feel free to ask questions.
Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello from the Home Office...
Last post by Edward176 - May 05, 2024, 01:39:42 PM
Hello BCJake and welcome to the forum. Like you, I came in with little to no knowledge on smoking, and on how to use my Bradley. 10 years later I smoke almost every week, thanks in part to the advice and guidance of these guys here. Lots of knowledge and good advice found here. Enjoy.
Introduce Yourself / Hello from the Home Office Pro...
Last post by BCJake - May 05, 2024, 09:13:55 AM
I am just getting into smoking, having purchased an original analogue 4rack BS611.  I've smoked a pork shoulder (Butt) confusing???  On my broil king propane BBQ, and want to do more, using the proper equipment.  I have many question, and look forward to learning lots!