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Your Favorite Chili Recipe

Started by nsxbill, August 28, 2004, 11:15:53 PM

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Anyone got a real good recipe for chili that you are proud of?  I have about 5lbs of smoked shoulder in my freezer that I want to make some good chili with.  No beans!  Looking forward to seeing the different attempts at chili Nervana!  I like it spicy.

There is room on earth for all God's creatures....right on my plate next to the mashed potatoes.

Smokin Joe

Check out our recipe here:  


Even though it won't be nearly as good, you can substitute our chili mix for chili powder from your local grocer [xx(]...damn near killed me to say that!!!!

Smokin' Joe Johnson
Caroline's Rub - Fine Spice Creations
Joe Johnson
Founding Partner
Caroline's Rub - Dry Rubs, Smoked Salt, and Texas Chili Seasoning

Be sure to sign up for our Smoke and Spice Newsletter!


I usually add some mexican chrizo sausage to my chili.  We have a large Hispanic population here and can find authentic chrizo here.  I have people ask me what is my secret.  I also use about 5 different types of beans.[:D]  Why no beans?[:(]  When I have some on hand I also use fresh ground venison.  Good luck and Happy Smokin'

Some say BBQ is in your blood, if thats true my blood must be BBQ sauce.
Some people say BBQ is in the blood, if thats true my blood must be BBQ sauce.

Smokin Joe

I once heard a good saying about Texas chili when we were at the Livestock Show and Rodeo Cookoff one year...

"If you're makin' Texas chili and you put beans in your chili...you don't know beans about makin' Texas chili..."

Don't shoot me, I'm just the messenger!  I have to admit that I like the beans myself - immediate disqualifier in competition, but when I'm doing it for just us here at the house or in a stew form, I always throw in some beans.  Prefer Mexican Black and Red, and Pinto...Is there any particular types of beans you use and prefer?

Smokin' Joe Johnson
Caroline's Rub - Fine Spice Creations
Joe Johnson
Founding Partner
Caroline's Rub - Dry Rubs, Smoked Salt, and Texas Chili Seasoning

Be sure to sign up for our Smoke and Spice Newsletter!


Here is a great Chili recipe. I tried it and it was just terrific. If you do not want to use beans, you can leave them out. Here is the exact text of the recipe as given to me by Bill of Texas BBQ Rubs. [:)]


OK this is a recipe for a great tasting chili. It was given to me by Jeremy who used my BBQ rub to not only cook ribs; but, decided to fix chili with it. I've since prepared this on numerous occasions and it is fantastic and so easy. It can be ready in about 25 minutes.
Jeremy had tried a bunch of the quick fix'in products from the store and had never had much luck with his chili using the store bought fix'ins. He and his roommate both raved over the chili and his roommate (who is a big chili eater) said this was the best chili he had ever eaten. THANKS JEREMY!

What you need.

1 lb of ground beef
1 lb of hot sausage (breakfast sausage)
2 - 8 oz cans of tomato sauce
8 oz of water
1 can of pinto beans (regular size)
1 can of kidney beans (regular size)
1/3 cup of TEXAS BBQ RUB

alt: I personally added a little chili powder (about ¼ cup) and I love the taste of masa so I
mixed about 1 tsp. of masa flour in 4 oz of warm water and added it the last 10
minutes of cooking to give it that flavor

Brown the ground beef and sausage in a pot. Drain off excess fat. Add the tomato sauce, water, TEXAS BBQ RUB, and chili powder (if used) and mix together with the meat. Add the beans (if you are not big on the beans you can either add only 1 can of your favorite or leave them out). Heat to boiling. Reduce heat to a simmer. If you want the taste of masa add the masa mix now. Let simmer about 10 minutes. Makes about 4 servings.

You know this recipe was so good when I tried it, I gave it to one of my friends who was entering into a chili cook-off at her office. She made the chili (2 batches) and she only added kidney beans. She won first place and the voting was unanimous for her chili. So try this on one of those great chili days. You'll be glad you did.

I Love The Smell Of BBQ In The Morning!


Thanks for the recipes.  Remember that I am going to make the chili without beans and with diced pork shoulder that I have already smoked.  I love chorizo-can't help it, as I am married to Mexican-Indian, and her grandmother used to make chorizo and eggs for breakfast when we visited.   I even have a recipe, and plan on making chorizo sausage later this year.

There is room on earth for all God's creatures....right on my plate next to the mashed potatoes.


 I would be interested in your Chorizo recipe. The only chroizo that I have made was with a premix and vinegar mixed with just ground pork.



 I too love beans in my chile so this won't help you much with competion.  I usually use a combination of dark red kidney, light red kidney, white kidney, great white northern beans, black beans and pinto beans.  I also like to use a combination of ground or cubed beef, ground venison, ground pork and a little bacon[:p].  I brown the meat and then drain.  Then I use a ratio of one onion, one green pepper and one clove of crushed garlic per lb of meat.  I sautee these until tender then add the meat.  I usually like to use one 28 oz. can of diced tomatoes per lb of meat along with two small cans of beans.  Don't drain the beans because the juice helps thicken and adds flavor.  Then comes a combination of cayenne pepper, chile powder, salt, pepper, paprika and cumin (use sparingly, strong flavor).  Using the ratio above you can make as large or small a batch as you want.  Boil then simmer for several hours stirring often.  This is usually better the second day as the flavors meld.  Tastes great off the wood stove at camp![:D]



Recipe is as follows:


20   ea   Sausage casings
2   lb    Lean pork trimmings
8   oz    Beef OR pork fat
2    ea    med Onions, quartered
8   ea   Cloves garlic, pressed
1/2   c   Cider vinegar
1/4   c   Tequila (optional)
1/4   c   Ground red chile, mild or hot
1    ts   Ground cinnamon
1 1/2   ts   Ground comino (ground cumin)
1   ts   Ground Mexican oregano
1   tb   Salt
1.  Clean the casings, rinse well with water, then pour vinegar through them.  Set aside.

2.  Use a food processor or the coarse blade of a meat grinder, grind the meat and fat.  Add the onions, garlic, vinegar, tequila and seasonings, using the hotness of chile powder your family and guests will prefer.

3.  Stuff the casings.  First cut the casings into 3-ft lengths and tie one end together.  Use either a funnel or filling tube to fill the lengths. Tie at about 4-inch intervals with heavy thread.

4.  Place on a cookie sheet covered with wax paper.  Set on the counter for about 2 hours, then refrigerate.

5.  After a day, freeze what you will not use within a week or two. Mixture should ripen for at least 8 hours before using.

Notes:  If you have no food processor or grinder, buy triple ground pork. Prepare the recipe once and taste for the mildness or hotness of the ground red chile.  Adjust to suit your taste for the next time you make sausage.
Freezing hints: Mold the sausage into 1/2-pound lumps and freeze between pieces of foil inside a heavy plastic bag.
Maximum recommended freezer storage:  3 months.
Makes 20 sausages or  2 2/3 pounds bulk sausage.

There is room on earth for all God's creatures....right on my plate next to the mashed potatoes.


Bill and Doug,

Help me with this Charizo thing[?].  A while back I thought I would buy some Charizo, so I pick some up at my local WalleyWorld and brought it home.  Pulling it out I thought I would read the ingredients not knowing what it really was.  At this point the statement came to mind "never watch sausage being made", it was made from EVERYTHING besides msucle.  It even mentioned ears[:(], glands[xx(] and so forth[V].  Sorry guys the sheets split here.  Tell me does all Cherizo have GLANDS in it?  It sounded like a sausage made from the garbage disposal.  One thing, my dog was happy[8)].


Perryville, Arkansas

If a man says he knows anything at all, he knows nothing what he aught to know.  But...


Perryville, Arkansas

It's not how much you smoke but how many friends you make while doing it...



Yes, chorizo has all of the things you mentioned.  I love the flavor, but like to control what goes in it. Therefore, like to make my own.  I am one of the people that will try pretty much everything once.  I draw the line at sushi-don't need to buy bait to eat....the other is liver....damn I hate liver!  Really don't like duck much, at least the chinese version.  Duck, however, is not on the "I won't eat it list."  It just has to prepared correctly.

Chorizo doesn't have to be made with glands, etc, but this sausage is made in Mexico and by Mexicans to use the edible items that aren't so beautiful.  I am with you in the yuck factor, but still order Chorizo and eggs, or Chorizo breakfast burrito at our favorite tacqueria.

I like spicy sausage, and Chorizo tastes so good, I forget the rest .


There is room on earth for all God's creatures....right on my plate next to the mashed potatoes.


Thanks for the recipe Bill!!![:D]
I will give it a try soon. Will propably go with the bulk version.

You should give this recipe a try.IMO Bill is right, it is more appetizing controlling the ingredients. The chorizo you picked up at Wally was probably as authentic as you can get.
Chorizo with eggs and a batch of chili with venison and chorizo sound pretty good.

Lots of good ideas great recipes here!!![:p][:p][:p]

Chez Bubba

MW: Ever eat a hot dog? Same crap goes in there. My step-dad never ate pickle relish because he worked at a plant that made it & saw how many snakes & chipmunks got ground up with the pickles. Heck, the US standard on chocolate maintains it may not contain MORE THAN 5% insect residue.[xx(]

Bill: I used to think the same thing about sushi & some of it is truly disgusting. However, aside from Kummok's smoked salmon, I can't imagine eating it cooked ever again.[:p][:p]


Ya think next time I check into a hotel & they ask "Smoking or Non?" they would mind?
Ya think if next time I check into a hotel & they ask "Smoking or Non", they would mind?


Hay I know it's a mental thing, the thing with charizo and eggs does sound good but my mental assent has not met that level of nurvana as of yet.  OK, I know on the hot dogs.  There is nothing better than a quality dog in real casings that have a little snap to it when you bite into them-boiled and plain on a bun.  Does any of you norhtern folks know of a brand of dogs named "Maple Leaf".  I haven't ate one for a while but my memories of those are fine.  


A proud member of the <s><font color="red">NO SUSHI</font id="red"></s> brigade.


Perryville, Arkansas

If a man says he knows anything at all, he knows nothing what he aught to know.  But...


Perryville, Arkansas

It's not how much you smoke but how many friends you make while doing it...


I've eaten many things in my life.  In Germany the only thing I couln't bring myself to taste was blood wurst.  I'm still not exactly sure what it had in it other than blood?[xx(]  Anyway once you have eaten chorizo I feel you would forget about the inards of the stuff.  I makes great in chili, eggs, tacos, tortas, etc.[:p]  I also never cook my tuna steaks past med rare/med. and have eaten many a sushi roll with gusto.  As far as hot dogs go I have found Nathan's to be very good.  The great thing is to each his own, but for me its anything but blood wurst.

Some say BBQ is in your blood, if thats true my blood must be BBQ sauce.
Some people say BBQ is in the blood, if thats true my blood must be BBQ sauce.