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Started by BigJohnT, September 25, 2009, 05:09:01 PM

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This will be my first sausage and I need a little guidance. I'm looking at different recipes and see the term "bloom" and don't know what that means. Looks like many recipes are a take on Rytek's recipe. I think I'll start with it.

So as I understand the procedure you mix up all the ingredients then do you store overnight in the fridge or stuff as soon as you finish mixing?

After you stuff, you dry the casings then smoke then wait for 152°F IT then cold water bath to 110°F IT then hang for 30 minutes or so till you get the desired bloom what ever that is  ??? then put in the fridge or freezer.

I think I'll to do a tri-tip tomorrow and save the kielbasa for next weekend...


Habanero Smoker

Blooming is basically a period of time you hang the sausage after it has been showered or shocked depending on which method you used to cool the sausage. It is to develop the color to the point of a mahogany brown. You can go longer then 30 minutes if you have to.

You don't have to refrigerate overnight, and you will find stuffing it right after it was mixed a lot easier. Though, as for myself if the sausage recipe does not have powder milk, or powdered soy protein, or fermento, I like to refrigerate overnight.



Thanks Habs. It is the smoked kielbasa recipe from Rytek Kutas book.

Sounds like it will be interesting.


Mr Walleye


I always stuff right away for the reasons that Habs stated. After I stuff I put it in the fridge over night. In the morning I hang it in the smoker at about 130 degrees for an hour to an hour and a half to let the casings dry. Next I bump the temp up and take the IT to 152. Next I give them a cold shower to stop the cooking process. After the shower I dry them of and hang them to allow them to bloom for up to 2 hours. In addition to what Habs said regarding color, the bloom period also dries the surface of the casings to give them that nice snap when you bite them.


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I do the same as Mike. Stuff right away, but I also layer paper towels between layers of stuffed sausages before putting into the fridge overnight. This help absorb excess moisture and the sausage dries faster before smoking. Ryteks kielbasa is great. It have made it for a while now and everyone who has tried it loves it. I must admit, I do not yet own his book but copied a few recipies from a friends book. I really need to pick one up when I get back to work.

Mr Walleye


That's an excellent idea with the paper towel. I'll try that trick next time for sure.


Click On The Smoker For Our Time Tested And Proven Recipes


Thanks for the tips guys. I always try and make sure my synapse are correctly firing for the procedure at hand...



Same as above posts--I stuff right away because the ground meat gets stiff after a while, making it a lot harder to push thru the smaller stuffing tubes.  I also put in fridge overnite.
I need to try the paper towel idea--sounds pretty smart.

Rytek smoked kielbasa is awsome!  I made some a few months ago, and am surprised any is left in the freezer. 

get smokin


Good luck with your sausage John.  You are going to love it.


I need to learn sausage making  ;D  :D



Quote from: NePaSmoKer on September 27, 2009, 08:00:21 AM
I need to learn sausage making  ;D  :D


Yea Rick when you gonna learn how to do sausage and sticks?  ;) ;D


I plan on using 38mm Clear Edible Collagen Casing for the ease of use for the first time. Will there be a significant difference in the Kielbasa if I don't use the Hog Casing for Smoked Polish Sausage (38/42mm)?


Mr Walleye


I've never been happy with collagen casings before so I stick to hog casings. It could very well be the particular casings that are available here but I'm not sure. They always seem tough to me. Having said that there are lots of people who use them on a regular basis too.


Click On The Smoker For Our Time Tested And Proven Recipes


I've never used anything but hog casings for sausage.


I'm with you guys on the hog casing. Seems to work much better with less bursting. With callogen even when making snack sticks if you aren't careful when you hang them in the rack they split and make a mess.