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temperature controller

Started by RJR1876, August 29, 2005, 06:29:47 PM

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I thought the controller car54 got was PID as he got it from cold fusion. [?]


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Perhaps an error on my part. My read of the controller is that it has a relay output, thus on/off control. Nevertheless, it indicates it is a PID controller. So, it is implementing a PID algorithm using on/off control (which, given the thermal loop times, would require some nifty tuning).

I am building a PID controller for the Bradley using a triac for phase control of the input to the heater. I could not get Maverick to provide the protocols for the wireless transmission of temperature, so I am building the unit to utilize the Maverick probe directly. Bill-of-materials is $60, so I am doing this more for fun than anything else. It implements your desired vision: it sits between the AC power from the smoke generator and the AC input on the heater, so no mods on the unit. When I get done (I may be helping my Uncle in Slidell for awhile), I'll post some pics.



Well I wish your Uncle good luck! I will be also looking forward to seeing what you make.


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<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by pick</i>
<br />I'm new here and new to the bradley. I haven't even cooked with it yet but this is the topic I was hoping to find. I'm wondering if anyone has considered using the fan externally and piping the hot air back in between the grates. Seems horrible to do this (cut holes in the side) but I think it might be the best way to keep the heat even. A single fan inside will probably be blocked with a full load of food on the racks. If I do this I'll change my username to uglysmoker.
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">
Welcome to the Forum, Pick!  You can tell this is a great source of info on the BS!

Newton MA
Newton MA



I bought one controller earlier and put it in a plastic box. I don't use the outlet from the generator. If someone wants I can take some extra pix how it's done.

For now the probe goes into the vent but later, when a fan is installed, I will drill a hole somewhere around the middle of the Bradley and put the probe on some kind of "arm" so it can be moved if some meat gets in its way.
It works great. Much better than having to set the temp with the slider.

I haven't played around with the settings so much, yet.

Next smoke will be Rainbow. Me and my wife catched 10 of them = 24 lbs last Sunday. She got the biggest, 5.5 lbs, but I got the most, 6.

First time fly fishing for both of us. It was fun and they tasted very good too. We will continue with fly fishing.




I sure would like to see and know more about how you put this together.


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I'm at work now but will take pix later and put them on web.



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I saw that one picture was very unsharp but still usable.[:D]
3 pix, front, back and a quick sketch, power.jpg, that may be used by people that can make the right conclusions of the drawing.

I connected the generator to one outlet and the control box to another outlet and from the control box to the smoke box.
Is this what you wanted?



Thanks for the information. Tell me does it have relay output? I'm still a little confused yet.


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Yes, it has a relay output, 3 Amps.
Do you have the doc for the controller?
Peter posted a link earlier to the instructions but I can't find the link.
Do you want me to email them to you?

Quote from a post from peter:
The maximum current used by the BS is stated as 2.5 Amps I measured it as 2.7 max. The relay in the controllers is 3 amps. No need for triacs and fancy things like that. If you leave the door closed the measured temperature will be maintained within +-2 degrees by the controller. If you draw a graph of temperature and power it is like a slowly reducing sine wave as the controller pulses on and off. The pulses become quicker and more closely spaced as the control temperature is reached.



Well done that looks clean that way.
When I play with my controller I built for a while longer I plan on upping to a PID also, so will have to find a home for my controller which is working great .

Let us know how the tunning went as far as notes and all
Have fun

Phone Guy

What would something like this cost? Is something anyone can connect? Where can you pick up the parts in the US?


The P.I.D. for use on the Bradley smoker is an excellent temperature controller.  I have had one on one of my espresso machines and it is perfect to control the temperature of the boiler.  I actually was going to do this on my smoker until I thought it over a bit.  

It is highly accurate, it is set-it and walk away using BS stand alone with no extra goodies other than a thermocouple and a relay.  The short-coming for me was I wanted a remote control feature.   I wanted an alarm.  I wanted features that include an automatic shut-off, and the most important was the adapatbility to use on a larger commercial charcoal/wood smoker with the purchase of a fan for that smoker.That's why I opted for the BBQGuru Procom 4.  I have no regrets.  I wish it would have cost less, but it certainly has done absolutely everything I want it to do, and can do it from 200 yds away.  That is a real plus for me.

Bradley should have implemented something more sophisticated for their smoker, and the P.I.D. certainly is far better than the slider and innacurate thermometer in the door, and to me is an excellent thing to consider if you don't want the features or the price of the Procom4.  It is a great addition to the Bradley and about time someone implemented it's use..

Thanks for allowing the rant!


<i>There is room on earth for all God's creatures....on my plate next to the mashed potatoes.</i>
There is room on earth for all God's creatures....right on my plate next to the mashed potatoes.



I just purchased a controller and I noticed that your controller is a 220...can the same setup be used for a 110..that is the electrical connections on the controller.  Also..can the controller be used as an on and off switch ?  


<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by Lasse</i>
<br />Hi,

I saw that one picture was very unsharp but still usable.[:D]
3 pix, front, back and a quick sketch, power.jpg, that may be used by people that can make the right conclusions of the drawing.

I connected the generator to one outlet and the control box to another outlet and from the control box to the smoke box.
Is this what you wanted?

<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

Steadfast Freedom