I are a Farmer

Started by classicrockgriller, March 20, 2013, 08:06:58 AM

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Quote from: classicrockgriller on March 21, 2013, 03:29:31 PM
I squared up the garden and used my horseshoe poles for corner rods and
put a string up between them and tilled what I didn't till yesterday.

Ended up being a 60 x 45. I may plant my cukes in a different location away
from the main garden.

(Man am I sore!)

Thinking that I was behind in planting, I called a friend that has a
garden every year and after talking with him I have decided to plant:
Snap Beans and Pinto Beans (bush variety)
Lima Beans (bush variety) (Sorry Chris ;D )
both Slicing and Pickling Cukes
small dab of Eggplant
Purple Hull and Southern Peas
Jalapenos (asst heat)
Bell Peppers, (asst)
Bananna Peppers (asst)
Tomatoes (asst)

I decided against Corn cause I have tried and not had good luck with it.
I usually buy corn on sale (4 ears for $1) and get 2 cases and cook and
freeze that. With a few cans of corn, that will last me the year.

He told me that I'm not really behind, but do need to get seeded plants in
ground soon. Plan is to till every 3 days the rest of this week and next week
and start planting the week after Easter.

Glad I can just look at the garden area tomorrow instead of tilling. I am SORE!

Sonny.....what is a garden without any onions?  Perhaps some green onions and some sweet onions might find their way into the farm land.

Enough ain't enough and too much is just about right.


Jim, I am toooo late to plant onions now from what I have read and heard.

4 to 6 weeks before the last avg freeze. Tonite might be the last freeze. I

will have them in my fall garden if I put one in.


Gotcha.......Shows you what I know about farmin.   ;D

Enough ain't enough and too much is just about right.


Sonny,,,,,,,,,,,,,your makin me tired just readin this


The Old Fart that lives at the end of our "Dead End" road has had a
Spring/Fall garden every year that I can remember. We really don't
talk to each other since I caught him shooting a BB gun at my dog
that was on my property.

When I started tilling the garden he walked to our property line and
watched while me and the tiller rambled thru the garden. This morning
he was parked in the road with binoculars looking at the garden.

He probably took the big odds at Vegas that I won't be able to grow
a garden. ;D



We had two nights in a row with "Freeze Warnings". Got down to 26*.
Both days warmed up to 50/60* day time.

Yesterday I was suppose to till and level. Got a call from Son's and there
was a postponement on a job and ask if some guys could come over to
do things here at the House. Well I ain't stupid. Come on!

They mowed, weeded', clipped yapon bushes, cut dead trees, put new
tarps on dog pen, cleaned and straighten barn, but most important they
used the Mule to drag the Garden and then tilled #3 and I got to do what
I like to do. Fix a great lunch for every body.

I am usually the person that post too many pics, well I have none so you
will have to trust me on this. We had:

4 lbs of fresh 85/15 ground beef (ground the beef myself from shoulder
roast) made into 10 patties mixed with 3 eggs and a simple salt/pepper
seasoning. Grilled them on my Traeger along with a 8 pk of Angus all beef
wieners. Then the normal stuff: sliced tomatoes, onions, pickles, cheese, mayo
with olive oil and black pepper, reg yellow mustard, jalapeno mustard, sliced
avocado, sliced and diced sweet onion along with caramelized (onion & bell peppers).

Had cantaloupe, sliced cukes and onions in vinegar for side plates. Regular and BBQ
chips. Toasted the burger and dog buns in the oven with a brush of butter. Sweet
tea and of course Dr Peppers.

I never thought they were going to leave the table until I told them them I  had
Pecan Pie for desert and they moaned and went back outside. Clean up was a
breeze, not much left.

Not sure how much work was done after lunch, but it was a fun day to see
everyone that I use to see everyday. Kinda a kick back day, no pressure of
having to do something "on time". I enjoyed it, and I didn't have to till the Garden.


You have some great boys. If I can't do it myself I have to hire help. It sure sounds like they got a lot done and still had a good time. You must have done well raising those boys. The reward of some great food is always appreciated. [but no pictures] You are slipping.


Good to here the boys and the crew helped the old man with the chores

My boys just eat and run when it comes to yard work  ::)


Hey Sonny

You be sure to plant some of these  :)


Quote from: devo on April 11, 2013, 05:11:35 AM
Hey Sonny

You be sure to plant some of these  :)

Don't forget the frosting fertilizer  ;D


Quote from: devo on April 11, 2013, 05:11:35 AM
Hey Sonny

You be sure to plant some of these  :)

I plant those in the Fall crop. The seeds germinate faster and with the cool air, the finished crop stays crisper on the vine.

That's funny. I dreamed I planted them once.

My "Garden from Hadez" has been kickin my butt.

I will be reporting soon with Pics.

I will state this:

I think I have the BIGGEST Pepper planting that You might have seen.


So, I thought I was ready to plant and we got bomboarded by two heavy rains.

A total of 8" in a 5 day span. I found out the area I had thought would make a

great garden would be better for a duck pond. So while it was drying out I had

the electric company come and remove the pole that was in the garden. I also

had a load of top soil delivered and hired a guy with a tractor to level out my

garden. I finally got to start planting on Thursday after Easter and finished up

yesterday. Already I am seeing a lot of good things happening.

Two 40ft rows of Okra. First 8 plants in each row are transplants, the rest was seeded.

Two 40ft rows of Tomatoes all transplants. 20 plants per row.

List of tomato plants.

A 30" wide row of pepper plants staggered 3/2/3/2.

Blue Lake Green Beans 20" wide row by 40ft long.

Contender Green Beans 20"wide row by 40ft long.

Speckled Lima Beans 20"wide row by 40ft long.

Zipper/Cream/Cow Peas 20"wide row by 40ft long.

The Louisiana Pink Eyes are just starting to sprout. 20"wide row by 40ft long.

16 ft of more Speckled Limas

20 Eggplants (Black Beauty and Ichiban) and 16 Cauilflower (Snow Crown and
Early Jersey Wakefield) 20"wide row stagger planted 2/1/2.

Back Side of Garden: all 43 foot single rows
Slicing Cukes

Pickling Cukes

Straight Neck Squash

And finally Zucchini


You are going to be one busy little Texan my friend.
Pork Stars KCBS BBQ Team
Bradley digital 6 rack w/Auber PID/900w mod
Bradley counter top two rack
Traeger Texas model w/Savannah Stoker
2 Weber Performer charcoal grills
Charbroil SRG
Backwoods Fatboy


You'll be able to see your 'garden' from space!