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I have a major problem!!

Started by Andy, April 30, 2005, 01:40:04 AM

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Ok, I got my bradley in mid December...since them we have had over 250 inches of snow...I have smoked almost every weekend...now it is spring time...and it is fishing season...

So do i fish or smoke!! [:p][:D][8D]

You just cant leave the smoker for 7 or 8 hours to go fishing...but now I need smoked meat!!  I am convinced it is the reason I never got a cold all winter!![:p][:p]

My chicken q's take about 5 hours and so do country style ribs...if I smoke in the morning...well then i have to drink when I smoke[:D][:D][:D]...one an hour is what chez perscribed[:I][:I]...so I got a delimena...you make limenade right!!!  Ok...does that mean I need to start drinking linchburg lemonaide...or start fishing...oh the decisions!!

This things is a addiction...or may be it is the beer!!  Chez's advice on a beer per hour rules!! and regardless of what anyone says about him...I still like his advice!![:D][:D][:D]


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Andy.....Good advice from the master. And I'll even drink to that!!!!

Ernie....Weymouth, MA


. . . surprised one of the Guru/Raptor boys hasn't piped in here yet! [;)]

Newton MA
Newton MA


<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote">. . . surprised one of the Guru/Raptor boys hasn't piped in here yet! [;)]<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote"> Boo! Hiss.... LOL! J/K [^]


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Man have I been messing up?  I thought Chez said 2 an hour[8D].


Some say BBQ is in your blood, if thats true my blood must be BBQ sauce.
Some people say BBQ is in the blood, if thats true my blood must be BBQ sauce.


I love these dilemmas...[:D]


Quote<i>Originally posted by BigSmoker</i>
<br />Man have I been messing up?  I thought Chez said 1 an hour[8D].

I got a pork loin in right now...blowing snow side ways...that is bad for fly fishing[:(!]..but good for smoking[:D][:D]

If it is two an hour...chez is holding out on me...I should bump up my own "smoke" since it only takes about 3 and a half hours to do a loin...I feel slighted!!


I think 2 an hour is allright but anymore will get me in trouble[:D][:D]

<b><font face="Comic Sans MS">KEEP ON SMOKIN</font id="Comic Sans MS"></b>
<b><font face="Comic Sans MS">Mike</font id="Comic Sans MS"></b>

Catch it,Kill it,Smoke it
Catch it,Kill it,Smoke it.


One an hour is what the typical liver can handle.  My problem is that once I start drinking I have to continue drinking or I fall asleep. As long as I keep drinking at least one an hour I will stay awake, but if I stop it's nap-time.  It's not so bad to keep on drinking until bedtime if I start at 6 or 7PM, but it tends to keep me from having a beer at lunch!  

Anyone else notice this?

Newton MA
Newton MA


JJC-As you scientists say, "I'm in the middle of my research!" I'll get back to you![8D]

Phone Guy

You might consider a generator.

Chez Bubba


The solution is simple. Wife maintains smoker, you fish, drinking remains the same.[;)][:D]


Ya think next time I check into a hotel & they ask "Smoking or Non?" they would mind?
Ya think if next time I check into a hotel & they ask "Smoking or Non", they would mind?


The simple solution here is: Any recipe can be modified to your own taste. Experimenting is so much fun. I have now found the perfect solution for my needs. No minimum/ no maximum. Hot days require more liquids so you don't dehydrate. Cold days require antifreeze to keep you warm. So ice cold beer, or a few bourbons, is my recommendation and as to the amount? Who cares............Roll the dice!!! Chez has all sixes on his dice!!!!!!!!!

Ernie....Weymouth, MA


Tried a beer perpuck dropped,didnt work out so good.Next time I try it I'll make sure I'm not doing a brisket.