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What does your handle mean?

Started by car54, July 23, 2008, 01:07:57 PM

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For years I have wondered why people choose the user names and what they mean.

Here is my reason.

I used to race open wheel cars on road tracks not ovals. My car # was 54. One race I was really hooked up,at least for a while. I was approaching a turn at about 110 miles per hour. I was well on my way to a track record when my tires broke loose. That's a nice way of saying I spun out. I went into a swampy run off area with tall  willows and no one could find me because I was in very far. They kept on asking," Where are you?". That reminded me of the old TV show theme song Car 54 where are you? That is my I am CAR 54.



HCT= Here Comes Troubles. Troubles is my first black lab, my true brother of my heart. Back on december 22 of 1998 Troubles came into my families life, that night he suffered uncontrollable seizures throughout the night. Brought him to the vet in the morning and he found nothing wrong. Contacted his breeder and he said he would refund my money, just bring him back. Couldn't do it knowing what the breeder would do.
9 days later, on Christmas morning, I was rushed by abulance to the hospital with my second bout of meningitis.  3 days later when I regained consciousness my daughter said she found the name for the new puppy. Troubles it was and Troubles definately lives up to his name.
"The universe is a big place
probably the biggest"


pensrock..... I'm a big Pittsburgh Penguins fan and a rock radio station in Pittsburgh was giving out bumper stickers that said: The Pens Rock! I loved it and now I'm pensrock.  :)

BTW Do not listen to what LQ calls me......  ;D

Habanero Smoker


Mr Walleye

I do a lot of hunting.... Walleye that is!  :D


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Came to Alaska oilfield diving in the winter of 72 dodging burgs in Cook Inlet. Then went on to building ice roads in Prudhoe Bay for the oil rigs. Still up there most of the time dang it.  >:( :D ;)

Tiny Tim

I'm Bob Cratchet's son from the Dicken's classic.....oops, I mean I had a hit song out with my falsetto voice called "Tiptoe Thru the Tulips"....okay, enough fooling around, here comes the real deal.

In '94 I started driving a Dirt Race Car at a local track.  Second night out, I ended up at a local bar talking with the track announcer and he wanted a nickname for me.  We went through my high school nicknames, one of which was given to me by the Guidance Counselor, and that was "Tiny".  I think because I'm a little bit larger than yer average bear, but not sure.  So, since my given name is Tim, and the first couple of nights I raced, I spent a bit of time doing offtrack excursions...tiptoeing thru the tulips....my new nickname became Tiny Tim.


From West Virginia....hillbilly.....nuff said
May the fragrance of thin blue smoke always grace your backyard.

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   Forgot to mention whenever I see your handle I always think of Tuddy and Moldune. :D
"The universe is a big place
probably the biggest"


My long time handle is stlthy1. Short for stealthy1 for when i had 20 years with Northrop 10 of which were on the B-2 Bomber.

Now I am an easterner I am North East PA Smoker= nepas



Live in West Texas and I have a Smoker!

Its amazing what one can accomplish when one doesn't know what one can't do!


In 1995 I started gaming Mechwarrior 2 online. I was 45 years old then. At that time in that game most were kids, so the name Oldman sounded right for me. A couple of years back I shortened it to Olds. (I still game some and now at 58 the name Olds really fits.)


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Really cool thread.  My name comes from my father fromwhen I was either in the first or second grade.  When you write your name at that age you use your first name and last initial.  Chris P. =chrispy.  The name has been with me for about 35 years now!!


La Quinta

I live in La Quinta California...a lovely little "suburb" of Palm Springs!! The City calls themselves "The Gem of the Desert"!! I like that!!!  ;D