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What does your handle mean?

Started by car54, July 23, 2008, 01:07:57 PM

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Pheasant Hollow Farm

Just a pheasant farmer in WV.

Pheasant Hollow Farm


When I was pledging a fraternity back in college . . . what a way to start . . . in my pledge class we were all given
nick names.  The night that it happened, we were having a party and it was my turn to spin the music -->
So I became (and was assigned the nick name)  DJ Scotty-G.  The next week had an event at the on campus movie theater where I was the manager and I was on stage making some intros/announcements.  A few Brothers in the audience changed my nick name to MC Scotty-G.  At graduation, my pledge class said I was now Mr. Scotty-G  :D

When I joined this group, thought to use the same name (Scotty-G) - rather naustalgic but both areas have good people and bring fun into my life.  ;D



The wife keeps telling me I'm bullheaded. But really with a bull buffalo, and bull moose skull hanging on the wall bullhead was just fitting.


I'm an Italian lawyer that has seen the Godfather many, many times.  Lucca Brazzi didn't quite fit.


Kind of an inside joke.  Back in the early 90's I took a required speech class in order to complete a degree.  Had to give an explanatory speech.  Tobacco smokers were getting a lot of heat at the time so I started my speech by asking how many people in the class were smokers.  Got a few to raise their hands then told the class that I would turn them all into smokers by the end of my speech.  Explained how to smoke a chicken and handed out samples, got an A+.  Stuck with the name, though we have thought about twosmokers or threesmokers (with the little one).


I drive a gray pick up and it is named "Gray Ghost" from the cartoon version of Batman. It was Bruce Wayne's child hood hero.

Quote from: FLBentRider on July 23, 2008, 06:17:33 PM
FLorida recumBENT cycle RIDER - the handle started on geocaching.com - I figured I'd keep the same one....

FL I also do geocaching. It is becoming more popular everyday. Kind of funny where you hear about now. My name is rgmg0492 on there.


Quote from: Grayghst on July 27, 2008, 05:30:13 PM
FL I also do geocaching. It is becoming more popular everyday. Kind of funny where you hear about now. My name is rgmg0492 on there.

Cool. I have been doing it for a while as well, not as much as I want...

It is a great way to get my children to exercise without even knowing it. They (especially the little ones) love the "treasure hunt"
Click on the Ribs for Our Time tested and Proven Recipes!

Original Bradley Smoker with Dual probe PID
2 x Bradley Propane Smokers
MAK 2 Star General
BBQ Evangelist!


I don't get to do it as much as I would like either. My daughter goes with me some and loves it. I like the exercise part of it.


winemakers, nuf said.  Small scale at home with the wife, and oh yeah, now the neighbors, in-laws, etc...... Kids get into the grape juice and chemistry.  Always freeze some juice for them to enjoy through the year.

Up to several hundred gallons a year, neat hobby.  Not as instantly rewarding as smoking, but anything hobby-ish that results in alcohol.........


Our first 5th Wheel RV was a Forest River Wildcat.  Easy to remember so I use it.
Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.

CLICK HERE for Recipe Site:  http://www.susanminor.org/


I am half Norwegian and half German and with a last name of Olsen I have been called Ole since I was in grade school. I have always loved Harley Davidson motorcycles and am on my third one. I guess the name kind of comes from the movie Easy Rider and the magazine easyriders. I just happened to put the two together to get the name. I think this site is the best thing since sliced bread!!  :)

Most people hate the taste of beer - to begin with. It is, however, a prejudice that many people have been able to overcome.     -WINSTON CHURCHILL-


I have lived in Nebraska my whole life, and about all there is for sports in the state is Nebraska football. The team colors are Red and White and the team is often refered to as the Big Red. following them is one of my passions along with smoking, so it made sense to be Big Red Smoker. Hasn't been a lot to cheer about around here since our last national championship in '97.  Hopefully we can get back to that level soon.



Quote from: easyridinole on July 28, 2008, 10:41:06 AM
...I have always loved Harley Davidson motorcycles and am on my third one. I guess the name kind of comes from the movie Easy Rider and the magazine easyriders. .....

(Just a thread hiccup, not a hijack).....Thought ya might like to see this pic of my Dad's ol' Panhead, Ole.......

smokin stu

I have no idea how I came up with my handle.....

Stu ;)


Quote from: smokin stu on July 29, 2008, 06:03:38 PM
I have no idea how I came up with my handle.....

Stu ;)

I always figured is was an adaptation from The Simpson's Disco Stu.