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What does your handle mean?

Started by car54, July 23, 2008, 01:07:57 PM

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FLorida recumBENT cycle RIDER - the handle started on geocaching.com - I figured I'd keep the same one....
Click on the Ribs for Our Time tested and Proven Recipes!

Original Bradley Smoker with Dual probe PID
2 x Bradley Propane Smokers
MAK 2 Star General
BBQ Evangelist!

Smokin Soon

I really started here as a lurker with no smoker, before it was "I wanna smoke somethin" Now, after a lot of great help here it just means what am i gonna smoke next!


Gizmo was the name of our first dog.  We rescued the dog from a family and they had already given it the name and not wanting to confuse the dog kept it.  Since I have always tinkered on "gizmos", mostly electronics and computers, I thought it would work here since food is now a tinkering avenue as well.  Smokers, grills, temp probes, screens, etc. are all gizmos as well.   :)
Click here for our time proven and tested recipes - http://www.susanminor.org/

West Coast Kansan

You can take them out of Kansas but ya cant take the Kansas out of them. Going to click the slippers and go home some day...

Click On Link For Our Time Tested And Proven Recipes and Register at this site for Tuesday Night Chat Room Chat is FUN!

NOW THAT'S A SMOKED OYSTER (and some scallops)


Short for Kummok'quiviokta, actually a N. Cheyenne name given to me by a Pit River Piute back in days of my youth. Roughly translated, it means "he who walks with wooden legs", or legs that don't wear out, aka "good walker". We did LOTS of walking at the ranch where I grew up....... I miss walking with him and listening to his stories, and the name sticks as a reminder of the good man he was.


hmmm     deb415611 --- not very original  ---- the numbers are dates & obviously the deb part is my first name

Sorry,  no interesting story here.



Wife started calling me Sherlock when the kids were growing up. When they would do something and I didn't know who was responsible I would question her, after a while she would say, "You figure it out sherlock". Now, she just says that I am not satisfied unless I know every last detail. She has been known to fling around the word "anal".

What can I say..............................



Reflects what I do, I'm an electrician for a small traveling carnival ,I also have food and games concessions. Work in eastern and northeast PA. winter in south FL.


...because I don't live in north dakota!


Derivative of McCartney.

Perhaps you've heard of me.  I used to perform with a little known outfit called the Beatles and I've been incognito here...until now.

Coo coo ca choo.


Many years ago...when I was in school there was a guy who always knew everything...even when he didn't.  It got very annoying to me and a few friends so we decided to do a little test.  We each came up with a "word" to use in a sentence with him and see what his response was.  I looked around the room and saw an old heater/ac in the corner with a big plate on it that said "Modine" and I used the word with him. 

As expected, he took the bait as well as one of the other two words.  So, I took "mrmodine" as kind of a inside joke pet name.  Been using it for years.


Aces and Eights - the Deadman's Hand.  And no i don't have a death wish!

We used to live near Deadwood South Dakota.  During the gold rush in the late 1800's Deadwood's population increased with miners and folks of ill repute.  Wild Bill Hickok enjoyed the town and decided it was easier to take money from miners at the poker table rather than digging it out of the ground.  On day he went into Saloon Number 10 to play poker, but the only seat had his back to the door - he sat and played anyway.  Jack McCall came into the Saloon and saw Wild Bill.  Jack had some grudge against Wild Bill and shot him in the back of the head.  Wild Bill held a pair of aces and a pair of eights - the kicker is unknown but though to be a nine or a queen.  Jack McCall was captured and acquitted on a technicality and fled the area.  He was later tracked down, re-tried and hanged for the murder.

Anyway, i took this handle because of the local (at the time!) lore and use it on several forums.
US Army, retired, x2
Soldotna Alaska
"One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well."
Psalm 109:8


I Live in KY, hence the Ky and New Orleans Louisiana has both of our hearts.  The acronym for New Orleans Louisiana is NOLA.  Put them both together and you get KyNola.

Not a stimulating story but important to my wife and me. :)


Norcal Novice

Mine is not rocket science.  I got my smoker for Father's Day this year and just started smoking then and reading the boards...so I am a true "Novice".  I live in the SF Bay Area in Northern California, and I liked the alliteration of "Norcal Novice", so here I am.  If I keep at this, I guess someday I'll have to change the "Novice" part!

BTW...this is ONE GREAT group of people.  I've really learned a lot in a very short time.  Thanks all!


Hockey Player Here  ;D     

Just another weekend with the smoker...